Grup AquaCenter - aigua, energia i medi ambient

+34 93 836 60 11

Perforació vertical


This system uses compressed air to power a down-hole percussive hammer but also to remove detritus and push them out of the borehole. Rotation is given by a drilling head at the same time.

Catalana's rig can reach -800m depth and OD600mm, being also able to work in small-sized places.

This system is appropriate to drill in consolidated soils such as granites, mudstones, gneiss Reaching even a high drilling speed.

Perforació Vertical


Appropriate for non-consolidated soils i.e. high difficulty, since it let drill and case at the same time. The rig has two drilling heads: one that powers the rods and another one that powers the casing. When drilling in non-cohesive soils (sand, gravel), casing goes before the bit in order to keep borehole walls stable and surrounding strata away from bentonite and other fluids. On the other hand, in cohesive soils casing could not be necessary, drilling just using bit+rods.

This rig can reach up to OD 600mm and is appropriate for alluvial aquifers.


It consists of a rotary drilling system where fluid is injected through the space existing between the borehole walls and the rods, being detritus pushed away through the rods inner face. Doing this the borehole walls remain stable.

Drilling fluid can be either water or bentonite, depending on soil characteristics.

This system is appropriate to drill in non-cohesive materials such as clays, clayey sand, gravels and so on.

Perforació Vertical