Before executing boreholes it is mandatory to perform a preliminary study.
Firstly, some data are collected at office just to compile information in terms of lithology, stratigraphy, topography, number of existing wells, water table level, potential chemical singularities (natural or human-inducted) Later on it is performed a field study in which a geological cartography and an assessment of existing installations are carried out.
With all this information it can be elaborates lithological profiles as well as a draft construction proposal.
It is necessary to have a site free of obstacles and perform an investigation to identify potential underground services that could affect work development.
It is necessary to have a site free of obstacles and perform an investigation to identify potential underground services that could affect work development.
Boreholes are executed following geologist's instructions according to previous hydrogeological research performed. Boreholes are initially drilled at OD 220mm. During execution geologist collect information on soil composition as well as water infiltrations and conductivity in order to elaborate a lithological column coupled with a construction procedure.
Client's needs and data collected during drilling operations are key to design reaming steps.
Depending on the results obtained during previous research, well characteristics will be determined such as sort of casing pipe, slots, gravel filters, sealing
Pol. Ind. Santa Anna I, km. 4,2
08251 Santpedor - Barcelona (Spain)